Anıl Ada



Welcome to my webpage! Feel free to join the server and leave comments.

Quick Links

CS251 \(\qquad\) CS155 \(\qquad\) Youtube \(\qquad\) X


Gates-Hillman Center (GHC) 6215


aada followed by cmu dot edu

Admin Support:

Michael Stanley


mstanle2 followed by andrew dot cmu dot edu

Carnegie Mellon University
McGill University
  • COMP 531: Advanced Theory of Computation (Spring 14)

  • COMP 202: Foundations of Programming (Spring 14, Summer 14)

Panda Notes

Panda Notes is a web application that I built to host my courses and personal webpage. You can think of it as Discord on top of online documents, where users can have conversations and create posts directly linked to specific parts of the documents. Similar to Discord, Panda Notes consists of servers. Admins of a server can upload content in the form of PDF or Latex, which gets converted into HTML. And they can create channels for the members of the server to interact with. Channels can be used for discussions, making announcements, taking personal notes, making homework submissions, chatting with an AI bot, etc. Admins can create custom AI bots for specific purposes, like a personal AI tutor, or AI-assisted grading.

Some good use-cases for Panda Notes are hosting university-level courses and hosting personal academic webpages. If you might be interested in creating a server in Panda Notes and you would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact me (my contact information is above).

About Me

I was born and raised up in Istanbul. I moved to Montréal after high school and received B.Sc. (Hon.) in Mathematics and Computer Science, M.Sc. in Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Computer Science, all from McGill University. I was advised by Denis Thérien and Hamed Hatami. I’m currently an Associate Teaching Professor in the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University.

My main academic interests are education and theoretical computer science.

During graduate school, I did research on theoretical computer science, trying to understand the inherent limitations of computers and computation. More specifically, my research interests were communication complexity, circuit complexity, analysis of boolean functions and matrices, pseudorandomness - structure vs randomness in computer science and mathematics, and additive combinatorics.

Most of my time right now goes to thinking about teaching and education. I create content and build tools (like Panda Notes) to provide a good educational experience for students.

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If you are expecting a response to your email, and I have not responded within 24 hours, please send a reminder.
If you are expecting a response to your email, and I have not responded within 24 hours, please send a reminder.